Monday, December 13, 2010

Homicidal Hallucinations of a Lesbian Ballerina Perfectionist

You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


Darren Aronofsky has done it again in his visceral-drama thriller Black Swan, the film about a ballerina striving to become the best amongst her peers.

Aronofsky is a master at portraying the truth behind masters of their crafts i.e. drug addicts in Requiem for a Dream and a washed out wrestler in The Wrestler. The film does an excellent job stalking Natalie Portman as she slowly deconstructs herself and her sanity in her quest for perfection as the White & Black Swan. I really would like to see him direct sports films.

This film has a very effective means of communicating with the audience through the aspect of Aronofsky and his ability to capture the struggle a ballerina goes through whether it's at home or at the studio. He captures the subject in their own respective environments giving the film a very personal and raw feel to it.

The protagonist in this film has a very vivid blueprint to success already outlined in her head, all she has to do is follow it down to the T and she'll get to where she wants to be. However, the role she is going for calls for a more rambunctious free-form kind of movement that someone so technically inclined cannot follow through with, because being a "free spirit" would mean one would have to not have a blueprint. Of course she struggles through this throughout the whole movie to the point where it drives her insane, where her own thoughts and fears begin to takeover her everyday life affecting her and those around her, but she cannot see through this due to the fact that she refuses to believe she isn't perfect.

Along the way she meets Lily (Mila Kunis) whom embodies the very aspect the director of the studio is looking for, someone who looks free spirited and makes ballet look like child's play, because the movement comes so naturally for her. Thus, making her the epitome of a "free spirit," and the fact that she has a tattoo and is also a ballerina gives her an edge lol.

It's in this very nature of perfectionism that we see the best out of Natalie Portman, no longer is she this precious young actress we all grew to love, she is now a villain in her own right. (And yes the sex scene with Mila and Natalie is awesome)

I can only imagine the amount of diet and exercise each actress went through to achieve their bodies in this's quite amazing.

I know a lot of girls will relate to this film due to the very nature of their own personalities; you know what I am talking about, perfectionists. A lot of you should learn from this and learn to let somethings be and accept the fact that sometimes it really is out of your control.

Just know, unless you can tell me the meaning of life you cannot call yourself a perfectionist, its like a scientist calling themselves a scientist when they know nothing on their field of expertise. The only supposed "perfect" being is God and you're not it. The better you understand and grasp that concept the easier life will be for you to understand.





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