Sunday, October 10, 2010

When You Came In The Air Went Out

The ultimate guilty pleasure.

Never have I watched a series in which I felt guilty watching other than True Blood. There's so much raunchy sex and violence in that show to make you feel like it's a sin watching joke. The only thing that rivals my guilt is the graphic novel series Preacher.

For those of you who doubt True Blood let me just say this; the series is one of the most well written shows to ever come around. It goes to show how you can have crap content, but with proper execution that crap content can turn into gold!

The main point I'd like to stress is the structure of the show, everything is explained well and the best part of it is, is that the show doesn't rely solely on its vampirism and mythology to get by, there's actual human emotions that are greatly painted throughout the show with exceptional character development. And on top of that when the vampires are slain they die in a very Tom Savini-esque fashion almost reminiscent of Robert Rodriguez's From Dusk Til Dawn.

I too hated the show at first glance mainly due to my vampire bias, because of Twilight and the fact that Blade or a figure like Blade wasn't in the series...haha however, I still think the show can do better with someone like Blade in it. "Jussayin."



In this scene vampire Bill and his maker are having sex in front of a dying woman and her dead husband, whom they murdered.


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